24. Dezember 2011


I wish you a Merry Christmas and all the best for the new year!
Here's a little present , a preview of my forthcoming Masterpiece Remix:

5 Kommentare :

Anonym hat gesagt…

Couldnt you do something more electronic with this? Or maybe more synthy? I know you have the talent, but this is BORRING and there's a really annoying "boing" noise in it.

dubtronic hat gesagt…

It is very difficult to make a full electronic mix with it - cause i have to use the full track including the claps ... Give me an acapella and perhaps i can do it :)

Anonym hat gesagt…

Dont have one, but didnt you do soemthing similar with Forbidden Love where you made it more electronic by just layering more on top of it? It could be fine if you just added to the song like Skin Bruno did.

Chad Moore hat gesagt…

I think this sounds AMAZING!!

dubtronic hat gesagt…

thank you, Chad ! :)